Friday, March 19, 2021

How to be a Hero AND get Free Snacks!

Hullo, Sandy Bear here. I thought that headline might grab your attention...

And yes, you read that right... you can be a hero AND get free snacks!! At least... if you're in Canada... I don't know about other countries...

But here.... all you need to do is roll up your sleeve (or wear a t-shirt)...

And donate a pint of blood! Well... technically only 450 ml which is 95% of a US pint and 79% of a UK pint... sigh... Anyhow... we'll just call it a pint!

And... not only do they ply you with snacks afterwards - cookies, chips, granola bars, pretzels, juice, etc, etc... they give you a cool sticker!! "Be nice to me, I donated blood today." Any stuffie knows that such a sticker could go a long ways in securing even MORE snacks once you get home...

And... you get to be a Hero too! Doesn't that just tick all the boxes?

I think so... 

Now... they don't give out cute bandaids but... still... it's hard to argue with free snacks and being deemed a hero!

Super Sandy signing off here (if I'm a Hero, then I'm darn well going to make use of a "hero" moniker!)... Time for more chocolate... Yes, Jerry, it's a proven fact that chocolate helps you regenerate red blood cells! (I read that somewhere... sure of it...)


  1. Chocolate is a cure for a load of stuff. Medicinal. Absolutely.

    1. We agree... particularly dark chocolate. But in a pinch, any chocolate will do. Except white chocolate... that's not "real" chocolate!

  2. Someone....somewhere is saying thank you Sandy. Better double up on those need energy for hiking and gardening season.

    1. Yup... I need someone to feed me peeled grapes and bonbons.

  3. Free snacks??? We're sure chocolate helps a great deal of things...we need more of it in our daily diet.

    1. We agree... what does Jerry think about white chocolat? Is it really chocolate?

    2. PS - J&B - that could be a question for Jerry's Corner!
