Monday, March 1, 2021

A Mysterious Clue for Sherlock Sandy

Now... if you remember on Friday, I received a Victoria Cross 50p coin from Beanie Moriarty after solving a clue in the Case of the Missing Bullion... The coin came with another clue on the back of that strange card (Centaur abducting a woman)...

Here's the new clue...
"A story about the life of a leporidae
Who wears a jacket and a floppy beret
Written by an author early last century
Whose last name connects to wizarding pedigree.
Name the leporidae"

Hmmm... let's my on the old thinking cap. A leporidae is a rabbit (or bunny or hare)... so we're looking for a bunny... Hmmm... Wizarding pedigree... could be Harry Potter!! Which lead us to a story about a bunny by an author named Potter... It must be Beatrix Potter!!!  Let's see... the most famous rabbit I know is... Peter Rabbit!! But does he wear a beret?

Hmmm... according to Pinterest, Peter Rabbit wears a jacket and a green beret... hmmm... Is it Peter Rabbit??
Well... there IS a Peter Rabbit coin but... I don't see a beret anywhere...

Hmm... more research required... Let's find a book about Peter Rabbit...

Just a blue jacket... hmmm... could it be that Pinterest is wrong??? Nooooooo.... NOT Pinterest???!!!
Anyhow... let's do some more sleuthing and... look what we found... It's a bunny with a beret!!! And...

Benjamin Bunny as a coin too!!!

Maybe even a colour coin??

There's our answer... the mystery of the leporidae is solved!! It's Benjamin Bunny!!! Whew... that was a tricky one!!! Thanks for the clue and the prize Beanie Moriarty! Now... where to stash my growing collection of cool 50p coins....



  1. HURRAAAAYYYYY!!!! You nearly got the wrong answer there!!!

  2. Nice job Sherlock Sandy. Perhaps a new clue will arrive with the Easter Bunny being that answer.
    The header photo looks nice.

    1. Thanks Little Fox. I think there is another clue in the mail... I've been busy lately!

  3. Elementary our dear Sandy! Great job on the case! Scotland Yard must be beary proud! There should be another mystery arriving soon...
