Friday, March 12, 2021

Request from a Mouse

Hullo, Cocoa Beanie here... I've got a moment or two...

... I think... Nope, nobody over there...

And nobody over there... ok...

Come closer....

OK, well, maybe not thaaatttt close...

OK, great! Here's the thing... I am bored out of my tree here, cooped up by snow and rain and a pandemic...

This little mouse wants to travel!!! My passport is on its way back to me... and wondering if any stuffies out there would host me for a bit? My ultimate destination is England to be reunited with my Beanie cousins! But I figure I could take the long road there... Anyone? I'm very tidy and I'm happy to stay in quarantine for a while...

Operators are standing by reading to take your responses... 



  1. Come on down to oregon. Maybe July? Can you wait that long?

  2. If you are bored, maybe Minnie will want to play with you?

    1. Cocoa Beanie says: "Huh... typical canine humour... I don't know that Minnie wants to "play" with me... hmph..."

  3. We have lots of friendly bears, pandas, most of the guys from the Hundred Acre Woods, and a really fun sloth.

  4. Excellent - email me and I'll add you to the itinerary... littlecanadianbear [that symbol] gmail [period] and then com at the end. (Trying to stymie the spammers!

    1. But he's going to end up with us, right???!

    2. That's the idea!! Couch-surfing and ending up in Brighton...
