Friday, January 8, 2021

Stuffie Numismatists - Part 2

 Hullo again! We have been sorting through all the stray coins in Sandy's collection, as well as his Mama's piggy bank... In this episode, we are looking at a pile of old Canadian coins...

Errr... well... it's supposed to be Canadian coins but that's definitely an American quarter... 

Let's see what we've got that's interesting...

We've got some 50¢ pieces but... notice that the one on the left is bigger than the one on the right. That's cause the left hand one is from 1962 while the other is more recent. Cool.

And we have a bunch of strange quarters too... The normal quarter (bottom) has a caribou on it but you can see we have a couple from 1973 with the RCMP on it... and a couple with what looks like a cougar or some big cat.

Ooopss.... we were doing so well... except now we've mentioned the word "cat" and... here we go...

" Sweater... I'm gonna need my sweater soon! Christmas is going to be put away and this Christmas stuffie can't go naked!"

Righto... claws crossed that parcel from my UK cousins (with a hand-made knitted vest) arrives soon!

Anyhow... back to coins... Here are some pennies... the regular one with maple leaves and the 1967 version with a bird (a dove)... (the feline quarter was from 1967 too). The special coins marked the 100th anniversary of Canadian Confederation.

And here's a dime from 1967 with a fish on it... Cool. 

This is what the complete 1967 collection looks like... We've never seen the howling wolf on the 50¢ piece and the rabbit one is pretty rare too.

Speaking of 5¢ pieces... here's some old quarters... from 1966 and 1944 and 1927. Ooohhh... those are pretty old!

And then a strange little 10¢ piece that is beary worn but is from 1929... 

Whew... and... wait... there's more???!!!

What the heck... more coins...

We have three special dollar coins, the Nishga Dollar from 1977. They apparently go for $6 nowadays.

We thought Ben would be interested in this coin... It's from 1984 and marks the 450th anniversary of Jacques Cartier (from France) arriving in Canada...
And... that's all we got... no... wait... one more coin!

It got lost in Sandy's stash... it's a toonie with... a bear on it!

See... bear!! That's a super cool coin, that is...

And now... we are done... and... oh, hello cat... sigh...


  1. What's a toonie?? We never heard that word before!

    1. Well, let's see... The $1 coin has a loon on it, usually, so it got called a loonie. And then when the $2 coin came out... it seemed only fitting to call it a toonie. If we ever get a $5 coin, I'm sure it will be called something equally silly. A foonie maybe?

    2. OH!!! A loonie and a toonie!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHHAAAA! I get it! If there's a $5 and a $10 coin they could be a feenie and a teenie perhaps? Loonie toonie feenie teenie? Kinda works.....!

    3. That does kind of work! See... you're in a rhyming mode!

  2. Great Collection. But....we think it's time to protest, because there needs to be a Stuffie quarter! Stuffies unite!

    1. Absolutely!! And a stuffie stamp... and a stuffie statue somewhere.
