Monday, January 4, 2021

Stuffie Numismatists... Part 1

 Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a calm and peaceful beginning to 2021.

We've been busy here... As many of you know, Beanie mice are big fans of coin collecting and... Cocoa Beanie asked to see my little treasure chest stash of coins.

There's a few pennies in there, and this very gimpy one that's been through the wringer...

But the piece-de-resistance is this one... The Sherlock Holmes coin that Beanie Moriarty sent me last year...

It's cool, isn't it?

And then... Mama offered to break out the piggy bank so we could see if there were any other strange and wonderful coins that could be added to my collection. Cool!

Whoa... there's a lot of stuff in here... let's see what we've got.

These ones are... from Mexico. Mama says we can't have them cause they're still in circulation and we might need them when/if we ever get back down there...

But there's actually a few random coins in here too... this one looks like it's a 5p coin from England...

The mouse nose knows you know!

There's also some US coins in there... goodness, we better get some organization happening here...

See... American coins - a couple of half dollars and some special quarters - one is the Susan B. Anthony quarter and the other one looks special too... Mama says I can have those for my (our) collection... cool.

And here's some old German DM, from before the EU...

This one is a 5 DM coin - huh... wonder if we should keep it, in case Germany ever does a Gerxit?

Oooh... this one has Emmanuel Kant on it... he was a fancy philosopher... we get this one too...

And here we have... Euro coins it looks like. We need to put those aside for when we get back over to the EU... sometime... hopefully...

But here again, we have some random coins... a 5p from the UK and a Polska coin... Good thing we are getting this all organized!

Whoa... and this pile is all UK coinage. Definitely need to keep that... unless there's a fancy 50 p in there somewhere...

Nope, nothing special... but Cocoa Beanie got those sorted in a flash. We have almost £10 in coins!

And this pile is... random coins from around the world. Let's see...

Good thing Cocoa Beanie has excellent eye sight... some of the print is beary beary small... but... we have Austria to start...

And some strange old German coins from 1949... They are beary light (likely made out of Aluminums)... but it doesn't say East or West or DDR or Bundes or anything...

Although the backs do look kind of DDR-ish. This was in the period before East and West divorced each other... cool.

There we go... all sorted... We've got a bit from everywhere... Austria, Spain, France, Switzerland, Argentina....

We think these are Kopeks from Russia.

Are we done yet??

Oyyy.... there's more!!!! Stay tuned for another blog...


  1. It's usually the English 50p and £2 coins that have the commemorative (or is that comemmorative? Or commemmorative?!) designs on. Those ones ALWAYS need checking!!

    1. That's good to know! Here it's usually quarters, and toonie and loonies... basically check them all!

  2. So....if you are allowed to keep the US coins does that mean you will be visiting any US based stuffies soon?

    1. That is a beary good question. I know that Cocoa Beanie is excited to meet all of my stuffie pals. When/if that will happen... don't know. We don't want to have to deal with 14 day quarantines you know! And apparently parcels at Canada Post are backed up horrendously...

  3. My human has a lot of foreign coins hanging around the house too. Not sure when we are going to get to travel again to use them...
