Friday, January 15, 2021

Cocoa Beanie chats with his Beanie Cousins

 Hullo? Can you hear me?? I can't even hear me! Oh... you can hear me... OK, good. Ahem...

Oh yes, the ears... Well, we are trying to set up a video chat call so that Cocoa Beanie can chat with his cousins in the UK. I anticipate a LOT of squeaking and, not having a pair of bear-sized ear protectors, made my own... snazzy, eh?

How's it going Cocoa? Are we connected yet?

Almost, I think... technology... argh!

We've tried this several times and either them or us keep getting booted off!

Oh... we have "Loading" happening!!! And we have to "Allow" video and audio... and...


There they are!!! Beanie, String Beanie and Jelly Beanie!!! Hi guys!!!

Needless to say, lots of squeaks of excitement but... the chat was hampered by a significant audio/video lag and there was a lot of breaking up, until finally everyone froze up and we got evicted from the video chat. Phoooiee...

We're going to try again on Sunday, this time earlier in the day and with Zoomers...