Monday, December 2, 2019

Breaking in New Boots

Hello - bear in a hoodie here... we are going out for a hike! Yay!!

We are breaking in Mama's new hiking boots... aren't they new and fancy?

I like hiking...

Along the way, I saw some little yellow mushrooms... not chanterelles...

But they do have a spongy bottom... might be edible... but we don't eat mushrooms!

So we'll just leave them here...

Oooh, this one is cool...

 And this one is tiny!!!

Some puff balls... before they puff open...

It's definitely fall here... the Big Leaf Maples are losing their leves.

They sure are big and wooly!

Look up... look way, way up... (Was it only Canadian kids who watched The Friendly Giant?)

 Whew... I'm pooped - time for a break and...

... a snack... hmmm... trail mix. It is a snack but not quite what I had in mind...

 Another interesting shelf fungus.

And some cute licorice ferns growing off the base of a tree trunk.

 This was a great hike!!! And the boots seem to working well... I think I see some more hikes in my future!


  1. I hope so. What was in the bag for snacks?

    1. The usual bird food: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts and almonds...
