Monday, December 23, 2019

Christmas Mail!

Err.. Hullo... I was away last week (more on that in another post) and my mail box was STUFFED with Stuffie mail!

There I am... goodness... what a load of mail!

Alright, let's open these, shall we.... First up... a card from Beanie Mouse!

A great homemade card - Beanie is quite an arteest you know.

Thanks Beanie... and the Mouse Gang!

Next up is Droopy Dog... he just moved so I've impressed that I'm getting a paper card this year!

A card from a dog with a bear on it - heh-heh...

It's from Droopy and all his canine pals... Thanks guys!

Next up... hmmm... no return address...

 I know these two - it's from Jerry & Ben!

I wonder if they have their tree set up already?

 They wish Rose a Merry Christmas (in French of course)...

Thanks guys! And if you stay tuned for the whole blog post... there's a surprise at the end!

Next up... a card from Ajdin (the envelope didn't want its picture taken)...

Beary nice handwriting... Thanks guys!

And then there's this... from Winnipeg... Hmmm... Mama knows a LOT of people in Winnipeg... and I've met a few myself but...

This is a mystery!

Pretty card though... not much of a Christmas theme though...

Ohhh.... "Sherlock Sandy, Congratulations on solving the case! Here is your prize. - The Ministry of Puzzles"...

It's a button badge!!! Custom-made no less!

See... if I ever get lost I have a wearable map to guide me home!

My eternal gratitude Ministry of Puzzles! Oh... and come on... we have some guests...

Some of the guests are a bit... boisterous and are freaking out Minnie the cat...

Sooo... the baby cat confines the guests to the front part of the house and Minnie gets the back part!

Yep... we are dog-sitting for a friend over Christmas... the dachshund is Watley - he is old and deaf and eats anything with vacuum-cleaner-like gusto... The little white and black rat terrier mix is Lucy and she is a rescue dog who is a bit skittish but LOVES our backyard with all the smells of rats...

Oh... and one pre-Christmas visitor for a few days...

Guess who!?


  1. Vacuum cleaner-like gusto, eh? I like that dog already. Hope you and Rose and everybody else has a Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks Droopy! He is a crazy little guy when it comes to food!

  3. Cool, glad it arrived!

