Saturday, December 14, 2019

Island Adventure (Part 2)

Hello! I'm back, with a beary cool adventure... I've been to this island many times but never noticed this... do you see it?

I always thought this pile was just random rocks or dirt but that rock, right there looks kind of... shaped...

Like rectangular... AND there are brick fragments here... I wonder if this is a ruin!! (We don't get a lot of ruins out here since most early cabins were made from wood and... well... they are gone!)

But that is definitely a shaped sandstone block... This island was a big source of sandstone...

This is beary interesting... I need to poke around some more.

See... just a moss-covered pile of rubble... but... on the far side... in a bit of a dip...

Oh wow... some stones standing on top of each other!! Sooo cool!

I wonder if this was a castle or... no... this was a big coal mining island too so it's likely something to do with coal mines.

Oh, what's this? A little hobbit-bear cave?

It's hard to get a good picture but... there are several of these... and some have...

These hatches on them!

The Wm Hamilton M.F.G. Co. Peterboro Ont - hmmm... I wonder what these are?

That's the best one... over there is just the top of one.

Little Fox did a post a few weeks ago - and showed a pic of coke ovens... I wonder if these might be the same? Little Fox will know - he's an archaeologist...

 But this is a pretty cool discovery!

There are also some bits of metal...

But from a distance, you'd never know what's back there...

Across the trail is this thing...

It looks like a big boiler but the map says it's an air shaft (likely for one of the abandoned coal mines...

The door is welded shut but people have tried to pry it open...

And climb on top (which is open but with wire on top)...

If I had a drone... I could see inside... sigh...

Do you think the air shaft is still open?

I took a pic through the door crack and... well... it looks like there's a wooden platform over the hole...

Wow! That was a cool adventure... just goes to show, you never know what you might find...

The little ferry boat isn't due for a bit so I'll poke around the seashore...

And walk (or be carried) across this oyster bed (they are beary sharp on little bear paws)...

Whoops... ferry is coming... gotta run!

That's the summer-time ferry... it's big...

We just get the little tiny ferry in the fall and winter...


  1. hmm.. what if there's a whole lot of honey inside that thing..

  2. This looks like a cool adventure. Ferries, hiking, and adventure. Glad you did't miss the ferry on the way home.

  3. So nice to see so much green....

    ....we have temperatures of 5 and everything is covered in a foot of snow...ugh

  4. PS... I'm on a wee trip at the moment to Victoria - and looking for some Art Deco buildings... we don't have a lot... but there are a few!
