Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Beary Strange Adventure!

 Hullo!!! Mama was packing a big suitcase AND a duffle bag and I thought I would stowaway! She hadn't mentioned anything about taking me on this mystery trip and I thought... I will just bring myself! She was pretty surprised to see me!

The first part of the trip was a ferry ride... which is nothing new...

But... where are we going???? She won't tell me but she was frowning and muttering that I would not be a happy bear... beary strange.

Anyhow... a ferry ride is always fun...

But where are we going AFTER the ferry ride???

We are almost in Horseshoe Bay... and no sense of where we are going. Sigh. I will have to be patient...

We then hunkered down in the newly renovated Starbucks in Horseshoe Bay! Look at all of that luggage... surely we are going on a big trip! But why are we in Starbucks? Are we waiting for a ride?

While Mama blogged away, I wandered along the shore... at least the weather is clearing up!

This is a pretty busy ferry terminal with a lot of ferries coming and going and...

Wait... are we getting a different ferry???

Are we??

Yes we are...

I've never been on this one!!! Cool... now I'm really curious... 

Where are we going??? I hate it when humans are closed-mouthed!

Oooh... ooohh... we are leaving!!!

The weather has seriously improved!! But it is windy!

We went to the front and the wind was so bad I could not stand up... seriously... I tried!

Face into the wind? Nope...

Back to the wind? Nope!!

Anyhow... that's where we are going... a place called Langdale! On the Sunshine Coast (which is code-speak for the Rainy Coast).

Langdale doesn't even have a passenger gangway so we have to walk off on the main vehicle deck. Exciting!

Almost there!

The adventure begins! Let me get back into Mama's backpack... and see where we end up...

Er. What? A dorm room?

Sure looks like a dorm room...

Are we going back to school?

This is NOT what I had in mind!!!

Ugh... shared showers down the hall??? What has Mama done now???

Ohhhh... I see... we are in a camp... made out of portables... yay.... not.

This is definitely NOT what I had in mind when I stowed away... Mama is just muttering that little bears should not stowaway but... that's what little bears do!

Sigh... alright... let me have it... where are we, what are we doing here... what are the sights and for how long...

***editor's note***
After hearing the news, Sandy retreated under the blankets and refused to come out for the 2 weeks we were here. No sights to see. No pool. No Starbucks (gasp). No hiking. No geocaching...

Although there were some views...

But a lot of sketchy views...

Although the baby seagulls were cute... they looked like little spotted leopards!


  1. Replies
    1. It was as work thing for Mama... don't ask. I thought it would be a "fun" trip... ugh. Sometimes stowing away doesn't work out for stuffies!

  2. The baby gulls were cute, were you at a logging camp?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ah a pulp mill...kind of close. Usually when you get off the ferry with mo gangway for walkers it's a big adventure..

  5. Ok...just saw where Langdale is on map. Kind of far away from home base
