Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Back Alley Deal in Vancouver

 Alright... after that last mystery adventure, I asked more questions before I stowed away in Mama's backpack... which isn't really stowing away anymore but... bears beware of mystery trips! Anyhow... Mama said I could come on this one and... spiff up!

We went to Vancouver and saw Rose!!

And their dog Lexie... who tends to view me with rather predatory eyes... I won't even mention the number of stuffies that have succumbed to her teeth!

Anyhow... let's go!!!

We are going on an adventure and... it involves a back alley deal!!!

Seeeee... city street but... what lurks in the back alleys??

Other than Rose of course...

Let's go!

Well, there's some cool art work...

Now we are waiting for our contact to show up...

Rose says it'll likely be that door over there...

No one here yet...

Make sure the coast is clear...

Nope, no one sees us!

Oh wait... it's the OTHER door!!!

Oooohhhh... wonder what we are getting... back alley salmon? Bread? hot chocolate?....

Ah-hah!!!! Theatre tickets!!!!!! Rose has connections you know!

We are up in the balcony!!

This is a pretty cool theatre. It was built in the 1930s and has an art deco exterior and a neoclassical interior. It showed movies throughout most of its life until it was closed in 1991. Isn't it cool? This was taken in 1940...

There was talk of demolition (gasp) and it was then converted into a live-theatre venue and reopened in 1998 with some fancy renos and restoration of the goldleaf in the dome.

The dome is pretty cool!!! You can't see it, but on this near side, there are openings for the spot lights that track actors. There are actually two people up in the ceiling above us who move the spots!

Seeee!!! Isn't that neat???

Mama says she watched movies back here in the Middle Ages (yep... before 1991). She remembers Stark Trek 3 when the theatre had Dolby surround sound... it was seriously cool! Those scalloped lights are pretty neat...

Up there, that's the booth where the stage manager sits and a few other people... it has a trap door in the ceiling for the spot light people... AND... there is a live band in a room behind there!!! They announced it at the start of the show that a live band was providing the music... it was pretty cool.

Thanks for the tickets Rose!!!

Alright... I'm ready!!!!

Ready... let's go!!!

***2.5 hours later***
A beary good show!!! But it is almost 10:30 pm and this little bear is tuckered out... zzzzzz


  1. Quite the deal you got, I was a little worried when you were in the alley

    1. Sometimes ya gotta go down sketchy alleys to get good deals...
