Friday, September 13, 2024

A Memorial to 911

 Hullo! I missed the 911 memorial day a couple of days ago, but wanted to show you something.

I'm in front of our brand new firehall.

The city sent out an email a few days ago about a new memorial that was placed in front of the firehall a few months ago.

Do you see? It's part of a steel beam from the World Trade Centre.

According to the city email:
As we mark another year that has passed since September 11, 2001, you can pay tribute outside Fire Station #1.

In 2009, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey began accepting requests from organizations for a piece of World Trade Center steel. The steel was recovered from the World Trade Center site after September 11, 2001, and secured at JFK Airport by The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

The steel withstood the most horrific attack on American soil that took the lives of 2,819 people. Nanaimo Fire Rescue is proud to have received one of 1,500 of these pieces. It is not known which tower the beam came from.


It's kind of amazing to think we have a piece of the WTC here.

There is a memorial plaque but it was all dewy and we couldn't read it.

It's a beary sad story.

And beary strange to be able to get close to a piece of history like this.

We remember.


  1. Oh wow...... Andrea says she went up the World Trade Centre all the way to the top, a few months before that happened.....

    1. Andrea? Went to the top of the WTC? Andrea??? Really.... doesn't it involve, like, elevators and... heights?? Sandy is a bit concerned.
