Saturday, September 21, 2024

More Swimming Holes!

 Hullo! Yes, yes, more swimming adventures with Rose!

But these will be more "fun" and not just a race to see how many spots we can go to in one day. And so we need supplies...

Swimming always needs supplies!

First we have some Snicks... they are plastic weighted snakes that the humans throw and then dive for... they are not competitive... no, absolutely not.

Then there's the water ball to throw around...

And finally, the water pumper guns!

Mama thinks those are the most fun but Rose is less keen... possibly because she doesn't have decades of experience of how to fire and reload FAST!

And we've got the towels, water shoes, sun screen and goggles!

 Let's go!

The first spot is on the Nanaimo River (of course) but farther upstream that last week's challenge. There's a bit of a walk under the power lines...

Someone is excited!

There are tonnes of Oregon Grape bushes under the powerlines! Loaded with berries...

Not sure we are going to be canning Oregon Grape jelly this year, but this is good to make note of for next year.

And then we reach the drop off...

The river IS way down there... somewhere... but we are not going down that way.

We are going this way...

And then this way... you can see the blue-green water down there...

It's a bit of a steep trail...

But there's ropes to hang onto...

And then... finally... we are here!!!!

It's gorgeous. The water is warmish and uber clear and there aren't tonnes of people here on weekday mornings... 

There are lots of big boulders in the water and some of them you can jump off of, into the deeper water...

The only thing with this spot.... 

Is the scramble back up!

Alrightee!! That was fun... and now we are going to another spot - on Haslam Creek. This was a place we had identified last year as being a potential swimming hole.

Rose hasn't been here before but she is game to try it out!

And... well... she was not impressed!!!

Oh the swimming hole is nice enough, super clear and cool water but... the scramble down from the suspension bridge was epic and Rose was muttering that she is NOT a mountain goat....

But for beauty... well, you can't beat it. And the scramble was worth it... according to Mama. But Rose says "NO!"... so this place will NOT be on future swimming hole challenges. Ah well... You don't know until you try!

1 comment:

  1. Summer is winding down, hopefully a few more visits to other swimming holes in your future.
