Saturday, September 28, 2024

Choco Ice Cream

 Hullo!! Do you remember when I visited Gramma earlier this year? She showed us how to make ice cream out of frozen bananas!! So we are going to try it at home now...

We typed up the recipe because the scan Gramma sent was a bit fuzzy to work off of...

We have been stockpiling over-ripe banana slices in the freezer...

Now we put them in the food processor...

And gather the other ingredients while the slices soften a tiny bit.

Maple syrup, cocoa powder and instant coffee... We actually had to go and buy instant coffee cause it's not something we keep in the house!

Alright, we are ready... let's whaz it up!

There it goes!!! 

Look... it's ready! That was fast!

I know... bananas as ice cream? It really doesn't taste like bananas. We have a banana-phobe in the house and in a blind taste test... there was no "ewwwww... banana!!"

Time to dig in!!! It was delicious!

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