Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A Suspenseful Suspension Bridge

 Hullo!! Believe it or not, today I am going on a little hike!! It's been ages since I have gone on a hike.

This hike follows a short section of the Trans Canada Trail.

And there is absolutely "NO SMOKING" in the woods. They are sooo dry.

Alright... are you ready!

It's a fairly flattish trail to start with.

With some cute little flowers. They are called Twin Flowers because there are two flowers on one stalk.

I also saw a caterpillar... or is it a millipede?? It's black with yellow bits and lots of legs. I wonder what it turns into?? 

Ooooh... I searched for it and I found it! It's a Yellow-spotted Millipede aka the Cyanide Millipede! Fascinating stuff!

There's the bridge!

It's a suspension bridge! 

How are you with heights??

Alright... we're going across...

It has metal grill plates and you can see through them...

Ooooh... pretty!

And that's upstream.

I wonder if we can get down there...

We poke around the downstream section of the cliffs but it's pretty cliffy...

But also beary mossy... this would be a nice picnic spot if someone had remembered to pack a picnic!

Let's try the downstream section... Huh. What does that sign say?

Hmmm... there must be old coal mines in the area. I might have to check my maps at home and see what is out here!

Ah-hah!!! That looks trail-ish...

And trail-ish is accurate. You needed to be part mountain goat to get down there but.... we managed it!

Ta-dah!!! Isn't this gorgeous???

This would make a great swimming hole.

The suspension bridge is waaaayyyyy up there...

This is a beary pretty spot... even better for a picnic! If we had a picnic... hmph!

And now... it's the big scramble back up to the main trail!

This would not be fun when it is raining!!  But we managed to make it back up in one piece... with no old mines in sight!

A grand adventure and a new swimming hole to try out with Rose!


  1. I wonder how millipedes keep all their feet coordinated. That's a lot of footwear to have to put on. :)

    1. That is a beary good question... I have enough trouble with 2 legs!
