Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sandy's Epic Spring Adventure - Gluten Free Bread Baking

 Hullo stuffie pals!! Today, Chef Sandy will be supervising the baking of some gluten free bread. Gramma has been experimenting with different recipes and has tweaked a GF rye bread recipe. It is beary complicated!

First we have the dry mix of various flours and starches....

This is the yeast blipping away in some warm water...

And psyllium husk turned into goo in some water and honey.

Alright Gramma... show us what we do!!

Ewww... plop psyllium mix into dry mix.

And the yeast mix...

And mix it all up with gloves on... it's beary sticky...

Then plop it on counter with some olive oil (so it doesn't stick so bad).

And punch knead it...

Then it goes into an oiled metal bowl.... and covered with a warm, damp cloth napkin and popped into a microwave that has 2 cups of water in it that have been heated for 2 min. And it sits in the microwave and rests for an hour (the microwave is not on)....

Then it comes out... and it's risen a bit!!! It gets kneaded a bit more...

And shaped...

And then put in a proofing basket with cheesecloth...

Then it goes back into the microwave with it's damp warm napkin and warm water to rise for another hour...

I told you it was complicated!!!

Seee... it's risen some more!!!

Then it gets dumped on parchment paper...

Funny looking dough!

Shape it a bit...

Score it...

Have 4 icecubes ready to go...

I know... I know... weird!!

Then... you slip the break into a cast iron pan that has been heating in the oven... slip 4 ice cubes into each corner of the cast iron pan, under the parchment paper and shut the door. All quickety-split!!

Seee... ice cube!!! It makes steam in there, which helps the bread get a brown crust... don't ask me... it is magic!

And you bake it about an hour... and...

Lift it out...

Voila! GF rye bread!!! Oh... and there are some seasonings in there... ground caraway (for that rye flavour) and... wait for it... poultry seasoning!!! Go figure... but Gramma says you can use whatever you like.

It is seriously yummy and has the texture of rye bread!! It just takes forever to make!

Thanks Gramma!!!!


  1. Cooking with Grandma?? One lucky little bear!!!

  2. Replies
    1. I figured it was you guys!! Cooking with Gramma is always exciting!

  3. Grandma is awesome, tell her I highly approve of the poultry seasoning. Maybe she should add more chicken know a chicken flavored bread might be a nice treat for a little fox....hint hint.

    1. Well... it was scrumptious bread!! And the caraway seeds were a nice touch too. Gramma says you can toss any spices into the bread that you like... I wonder if cocoa powder would work?

  4. This looks so delicious. I'll have to try it sometime!

    1. It was beary involved... we have 4 pages of notes! But sooooo worth it!
