Saturday, July 8, 2023

Beary Delayed Mail Call!

 Hullo!! I'm back! 

Well... actually... we've been back for a bit but what with one thing and another... life gets beary busy!

And I have had a pile of mail sitting here for weeks... maybe... ummmm.... months!

First up is a beary nice postcard from Hawaii!!!

It's from Ajdin!!! He went to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. I am officially beary beary jealous!!

I wonder if it was erupting while he was there!

Did you know the Hawaii Islands are formed because the Pacific Plate is slowly moving a hot spot in the earth's mantle? Soooo coooooll!!

Oh, here's another Hawaii volcano postcard! Huh... Did Ajdin send me two postcards?? Oh... and yes... I did receive them in April!!

Oooohhhhh... it's from Droopy!!!! 

Obviously Ajdin and Droopy signed up for the same tour group again! Funny how that happens!

Next up we have a postcard from... England!

It's a beary thick postcard and one of those shimmery 3D ones. 

It's from Beanie Mouse!!! Beanie & the Gang are poking me because I hadn't blogged in a lonnnnggggg time! No kidding!!! And when am I going over for a visit??

Who knows!! It is beary hard work being a Bearbnb host you know! Maybe the fall??

Oh, and another piece of mail from Beanie!

I am so sorry we haven't opened this one before Beanie!! This one feels like prizes!

A bear nice card!

And a bus key ring!!! For my Bus Bingo wins!

I like it!

And no... I have not set up my own Geocache yet... soooo many things on the To-Do list!

Oh and the second prize is a replica coin from QE1!

I can add this to my UK coin collection!

Thanks for all the mail!!! I'm hoping to be more on top of things... paw pads crossed...


  1. Replies
    1. Good grief... I haven't replied to comments since early July!!!

  2. Glad you got the postcard! Mail is awesome!

  3. Glad the postcard arrived! I have been very behind with reading posts and catching up on correspondence. No bonus for my secretary this year...

    1. Oh don't worry... I am beary behind on replying to comments AND writing posts AND reading posts AND sending correspondence. Ugh!
