Friday, June 30, 2023

Sandy's Epic Adventure - Visiting an Esteemed Elder

Ta-dah!!! Can you tell where we are??? Minnie is beary, BEARY happy to bet out of the car and turned into a little schmooze cat.

YES!! We are visiting Gramma!!! She wanted to see her little Grand-bear (that's me) and her Grand-kitten (that's Minnie)!

I bet you didn't know this is where we'd end up, did you! Hah!

After all that ferry/car riding... even this little bear needs to stretch their legs.

We went down to walk by the river and found this memorial... a family killed in a car crash - a mom and her two kids - a collision with a transport truck.

So sad.

Have you noticed yet... there are hardly any leaves on the trees here. We have gone back in time a bit since we are so far north.

But even here there are some little leaves starting on the Snowberry bushes.

And some little baby False Solomon's Seal.

Oh... what have we here!!

Looks like some morel mushrooms!! But... before we get too excited... they are the poisonous ones... See how the cap isn't attached to the sides of the stem... it just hangs like a bell. Bad morels.

Ahhhh... so nice here.

While the morels were a wash... we did find... stinging nettles!!! We missed the harvest time back home but here... we are back in time and they are just starting!!

I will leave the harvesting to the humans... lots of rubber gloves...

Gramma was beary happy when we brought these home. We blanched them and then froze them. She uses them like she would spinach... and makes a mean spinach pie with them! Or nettle pie in this case.

By the time we left the island... apparently word of my predations had reached the authorities... heh-heh!!!