Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sandy's BearBnb - Book with Confidence

Well, Hello! As you may have seen, Bearbnb has added some new categories for aspiring hosts... There has always been Superhost... but now there is Stuffie Favourite which is based on Ratings, Review and Reliability.

And if you are in the Top 10% of homes, the Stuffie Favourite laurels turn gold!

But are we in the Top 10% of homes? Nope. Better.

Top 5%? Nope. Better!! 

Yep, we are in the Top 1% of homes!

So... if you are ever in Canada... and plan to visit the West Coast, in BC... on Vancouver Island... drop me a line, or a comment...

Remember... get your human to mention that they are traveling with you (a stuffie)... and they get a 10% discount!