Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Visit to Goats on the Roof

I'm in Holland!!! 

Almost... well... not quite...

There's a Dutch store here in Coombs and they have a seriously cool mural on the side of the building!

You could almost think you were in Holland... but not quite.

Eh, what is this??

It is a MASSIVE geo-cache!!!

I have zero idea how these work but later learned that the lock has a 3 digit code that you need to figure out.

We were too rushed to figure it out this time... but next time!!

We were hunting for beary specific dumplings for Gramma but... they had a tonne... just not the right ones.

Coombs is a beary interesting place with lots of weird sculptures and things.

Almost like Flintstone land... but not quite.

More dumplings in the Coombs General Store but... not the right ones.

They have so much cool stuff here!

A bear's head bottle opener?

I wanted to get one but was vetoed down... phooie!

I also wanted a Grizzly Paw pastry but... was also vetoed down... what is with this vetoing???

I'll have some of that, and some of this and more of those!!!!

Or maybe smoked salmon in various flavours!

Choices choices... soooo hard!

I really don't know...

Or do I want ice cream instead??? Ugh... how is a little bear to decide?

Or do I want Jaffa Cakes?? I know Beanie Mouse would be all over these!!

Or... how about Pigs'n'Taters chocolate? From Colorado... Yes... bacon and potato flavoured chocolate. I'm thinking this might appeal to Droopy W. Dog or Little Fox? Although... it's chococlate and chocolate is bad for canines... soooo?? Who eats this?

OK... and we are here to see the goats along with a tonne of other people... they are just over...

.... there... well... behind the photo bombing truck.

There's a goat!! Mooning the crowds...

Alright... I have finally made a decision... ice cream it is!!

Soooo many choices here too!!!

Hazelnut something or other... yum!!!


  1. Replies
    1. You keep saying that... but oranges and chocolate? Really?

  2. Ice cream, thats the right choice....

  3. We’re drooling looking at all that yummy salmon and ice cream; what a fun day out!

    1. I figured there'd be some drool marks on your computer screen!
