Sunday, August 18, 2024

Handy Sandy the Electrician

Hullo! Today, we are fixing an extension cord!

This is the main cord that we use for mowing the lawn with the electric lawnmower.

But a few weeks ago, the grounding prong broke off.

See? There's just a hole. So we need to replace this plug with a new one.

We bought a new one from Home Depot...

And got all of our tools ready... I've already done another cord that had a loose replacement plug... so that's all the wire bits there.

First... we cut off the old plug...

We can see the three cables inside the casing... white, black and green.

We nick the casing with a utility knife and then peel back the yellow casing.

Like that... and then we cut the excess yellow stuff away.

It really helps to have human fingers for this...

There we go... now we need to strip the wires.

With this wire stripper...

Like that!!

Then we attached all the wires to the correct screws...

And... tighten it all up.

Tighten up these 2 screws good too otherwise the inside wires can come loose when the cord gets pulled on.

And voila... we have a fixed extension cord!

 Even better... it worked when we tested it!! Woo-hoo!!!


  1. Thank goodness a little bear is around to supervise; what would hUmans do without us?.

  2. What's next? Running wire through an attic?
