Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Wobbly Suspension Bridge

 Hullo! We are going on a little hike today!

We've been to other spots along this river but we are trying a new spot!

Let's go!

Cars can't go through... but we can! Did you know that sign is 8x8? It would make a great checker (chequer) board!

Or chess board if you are into chess.

Here we are, already! It wasn't a long walk on this side. We had to walk across this suspension bridge and it was beary wobbly and... this little bear just scampered across without any photos!

Don't let this sign worry you... they obviously knew I was coming!

There's a trail on the far side and it has sandstone cliffs and big blocks that have fallen down!

It's kind of a neat spot and might be good for swimming in the summer... I know... it's already August but this adventure was in June!

The sandstone cliffs have these hollowed-out bits which...

Make great hide'n'seek spots!

The wild honeysuckle is beary pretty.

Oooh, and there's some Saskatoon bushes here too!

Going back, we had some stairs to climb back up...

And I practiced my balancing act...

I did pretty good!

Yep, this would definitely be a good swimming spot! We'll have to take Rose here...

Ooh, someone made a pretty rock-flower over there...

Neat, huh?

This was a pretty neat little hike!! Glad we came.


  1. What a great hike. Good idea to wear a snazzy red Canada hoodie so the lost hUmans can more easily spot you!
