Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Sandy's American Adventure Highlight Reel

 Sooo... here's some highlights of my trip to visit Jerry & Ben (@jerryandbenadventures)! I arrived in early June... and it was a squeaker because they were heading off on a trip and I almost missed it! Thanks to the delay in customs... grumble... Anyhow... first off, J&B showed me their garden...

Jerry is beary proud of his herb garden and we discussed the best way to grow rosemary and other things. We had a LOT of catch up on!!

While we were doing that, Ben prepared some sustenance for us... cookies and pistachios with raspberry sherbet. YUM!!!

And then we fell into bed utterly exhausted!

But then it was off on an epic road trip through Minnesota and South Dakota. There is LOT to see there!

We went and saw the Pipestone National Monument... the stone is beary cool and we had lots of fun exploring the nooks and crannies...

This is me with the Dignity Statue! It's way bigger than me... I'm like.. the size of her big toe!

And the Badlands!! Don't play hide-n-seek in the Badlands... you might never get found!

And there's the guys at Mount Rushmore...

Yep... a tunnel thorugh the mountain... for one car!

There is soooo much cool stuff to see here. We did not climb up those pinnacles...

We went and saw various museums... these ladies weren't up for knitting sweaters for us though. Pity.

Here it is... the Chapel in the Hills. Can you see the dragons? Off the edges of the roof?

We saw lots of prairie too... so pretty and green in the early summer!

And then we headed back to J&B's to catch the peonies in bloom.

With more sherbet... you can never have too much sherbet you know.

We also did some slow walks around the local lakes... exercising so we could have more sherbet!

J&B took me to their favourite coffee shop... it serves Cariboo coffee... and Cariboo hot chocolate!

Cariboo Coffee is only in Minnesota (the blue bit) while Dunkin' Donuts (pink) is in the East (mostly) and Starbucks (green) has taken over the rest! Interesting... here in Canada, we have Starbucks and Timmies... but lots of Starbucks closed during the pandemic...

Oh, and before I go... Raspberry Magnum!!! Yum!!!

 There you go... epic trip to the land of Jerry & Ben. Tonnes of fun and J&B might come up at the end of August... maybe... given the debacle with Homeland Security... we'll have to see if they want to make the epic trip.


  1. Wowzers, that's a mega epic trip!!!

  2. Wow. Amazing trip. So many adventures, garden trips and exciting snacks. Sounds like a bkast!

    1. It was super fun! J&B are great hosts and their sekrebearies went to great lengths... evaluations soon I think...

  3. We had a blast! So glad you could visit! We're already thinking up new adventures for a future visit.
