Wednesday, August 10, 2022

A Side-trip to Vancouver!

 Sooo.. .while I was in transit from Minnesota, Rose came for a visit!!! And I got to see her for a bit and escort her back to Vancouver! We got up super early!

To catch the first ferry of the day.

Sun's not even up yet...

But we did manage to squeeze a smile out of Rose. She's not usually up this early, you know!

We sat in the very front of the ferry!

You get a good view from up here but... it got super sunny cause we were heading due east (ish)... time to move!

And... we are almost to Horseshoe Bay.

Normally we get off on Deck 5 but today they made us get off on Deck 6, so we had to schlepp a beary heavy suitcase up the stairs (huge line-up for elevator).

Rose is happy to be going home!

Isn't this pretty??? Oh... my head's in the way, isn't it??

Yes... better... beary pretty!

Almost there... and Rose's mom is coming to pick us up with the car. Beary good!

It was a whirlwind trip... I met Fluff (real name Olaf)... he's a neighbour's cat who likes to hang out in Rose's backyard! He is a HUGE cat... a Maine Coon cat we think... and beary beary regal. But not all that friendly. A few head pats and that's enough for him.

We had a fire! With potato salad and sausages and sauerkraut. No smores though...

And early one morning, I decided to heat to the nearby Starbucks but... the nearest one was gone... and then the next-nearest... also gone! And then the back-up... gone!! And then the next one... gone!!! OMG!!! What the heck??

I had to walk 15 minutes to get to this one!!

It was a nice-enough Starbucks... not too many people and decent wi-fi... So I got to catch up on some blog posts!

While there... I also said a distant "Hello" to Luna... she tends to think I am a cat toy. Hmph...

There was also some room painting that happened... but I decided I needed a break and just slept out on the hammock for a while. This little bear is still pooped you know!

And soon enough it was time to go home again. Ready for more mail??


  1. Yep, you betcha!! (and there's another piece of the mail on it's way to you today!!)

    1. There is soooo much mail lately!! We have another stack we need to blog about!
