Saturday, August 13, 2022

Exciting Mouse Mail!

 Alright... picking up where we left off... my Mountain of Mail. This is the Mountain of Mail from Mice!

There's this envelope from Beanie Mouse & Co.

It's got another super cool card in it... going to have to remember to mark these cards as found on Beanie's other site!

What's it say? Oooohhh.. the mice found some more keychains for geocaching!!

These are super cool!

Now I just need to go geocaching and find some caches that I haven't found before!

And then there's this chubby fat little envelope... also from Beanie... wonder what's in here?

Another cool card. It's amazing what Beanie can do with playing cards!


Do you see???? It's Edition ONE of Beanie's London Bus Guide!!!!

OMGGGGGGG!!!! It's the First Ever Copy of the London Bus Guide... for the #14 bus...

We heard about this... and we think it's a Brill idea!!

Want to see inside?? OK!

So it's a little booklet, folded paper with staples. The first 2 pages are blank so you can make some notes on cool things you want to see along the #14 route...

And then... it starts at one end (Putney Heath in this case) and you can see where the bus goes and cool things that are nearby... and there's art in there too!

See... it stops at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital. And goes through South Kensington...

And then by Harrods and Hyde Park corner...

Then Fortnum and Mason... we can see why this might be a Favourite Beanie Bus!

And it goes past the British Museum and Russell Square (where it turns around). And there's the TAS restaurant there... oohh... we 've heard of that one!
And more blank pages at the back. The brill part is you can work from the front... or the back...

We loves it!!!

This little bear does wonder why the Brompton Cemetery was not on the map?? That's a huge destination, ain't it? Or is it just me??

Now... the only other thing that's missing from this map is... the nearest Starbucks locations! For wifi access you know... and chocolate brownies... and hot chocolate. A travelling bear needs to stay strong. Although... I guess I could be glad that there aren't cheese factories on the map...

We saw Constitution Hill in the middle... we're pretty sure we've been there but... can't remember any hills in the middle of London!

We loves it!!! And want more!! I'm going to go and start marking up mine already... adding a Starbucks or two... and Brompton Cemetery!

Oh... and if you want your very own #14 London Bus Guide... go here!

 Oooh... and I got a few buses on the two late July bus bingo trips to London!!


  1. HURRAH!!! Yeah, you'll have to mark in the Brompton cemetery yourself..... Edition 2 I'll have it marked in!! And the link you've put - it's the 14 bus, not the 15 bus!!!

    1. Yep, just fixed that #15 thingie... it's super cool! We loves it!

  2. Oooh. That is exciting mouse mail.
