Sunday, October 18, 2020

Shades of Foxgloves

Uh-oh... I just found this blog in my drafts section! Ugh... it was supposed to be posted ages ago... Ah well... Out for another hike... ah-hem...

I came across this interesting hole in a cedar tree. I think it might be from a woodpecker... a beary determined woodpecker.

Or is it a human thing?? Hard to say.

There are some serious wood chips on the ground... which makes me think human but... it's just odd... Although... looking at some Pileated Woodpecker work and... this very well could be their job.


Today we are poking around under the powerlines... just seeing where this part goes...

That side trail looks interesting...

Oooh, the spirea is in bloom... beary pretty.

And this is some Scotch Broom with....

A black slug in it... apparently these slugs are invasive... from Europe.

Ah, this trail leaves the power lines and goes into the forest. But... see those two metal poles...

Yes, these ones... they mark the boundaries of the military's firing range. I know... there's no signs and we have gone hiking in there before but... they are cracking down on trespassers... Hmph!

Guess we'll just keep poking along under the power lines.

Well... after getting a cute shot of a little bear lounging on a log in the forest... hmph.

This looks interesting.

Oooh... some clover... the white one... and the purple flower... we see that everywhere! And...  I did get Mama to look it up and now... can we remember what it's called... Tom Cat clover or something I think...Nope... that was something else....

This is actually called Heal All Plant. Go figure... Prunella vulgaris. We have it in our yard and are always ripping it out. Huh... it's also called Self Heal Herb... and is good for wounds, boils and abscesses. Go figure.

Oh... foxglove! I know a certain fox who likes this flower. These ones were deep pink...

And these were slightly lighter...

Lighter still!

Almost white but not qutie.

And white! What a nice foray through the foxglove palette. 

I think this adventure has a follow-up. Sheesh... sekrebearies!


  1. Nice flowers! You are very photogenic as usual.
    That slug is HUGE! Almost as big as Spunky! Ewwwwwwww!

  2. I do love foxglove! How did you know? Be careful of that foxglove as its kind of poisoness.

  3. Beautiful colors, looks like a painters palette!

  4. @Droopy - Thanks! I do photograph well out in the woods. That slug was gross... ewww is right!
    @LF - I knew you would appreciate the foxglove! And yes... it is kind of poisonous but so pretty!
    @Ajdin - thanks! They are so pretty...
