Saturday, October 10, 2020

Black Rock - Part 3

 Hullo! Continuing on the coal mining tour... I am headed along this trail to see where it goes... I think it was an old railway line at one point.

More or less... I think some big trees have grown up over the last 80 years.

But... if you keep your eyes open... you can see evidence of a railway line!

The trail goes across a bit of a slough... and that bridge in the background was NOT a railway bridge... hehe...

And... finally... ooohhh... nice!

We reach the river... sooo peaceful.

If ever there was a railway bridge across this river... it's gone now.

I've going to scramble down to the river bank...

Cool... lots of neat rocks here and...

Someone has made a rock balance project...

And if you look closely, you can see some coal on this sandstone...

And.. the rock balance thing looks solid in this direction but...

Umm... that looks seriously scary!!

I'm going to take a little bit of coal rock home... just as a souvenir...

I think they used some of the coal rock for the railway bed... you can see it just to the right of the yellowish bush... it's black rock on top of the sandstone... and...

On the far side of the river is... that hunk of concrete or something... not sure what... it is a mystery.

This was a nice little hike...

On the way back... we accidentally found a patch of stinging nettle... oops... Mama got stung so we needed to find some plantain quick!

This stuff! You pick a leaf, smoosh it up in your hands and then rub it on the stinging nettle spot... works a charm!

And that concludes our tour of this old mine site... I have one more mining related place to visit for this series... stay tuned!


  1. I can't wait. Are you going to interview any of the former miners?

  2. Fun hike! We like those rock sculptures.

  3. Yikes! I'm glad the rock sculpture didn't fall over on you!

    I like your new header photo!

  4. @LF - Sadly, no... although I will visit some... or what's left of them.
    @J&B - thanks!
    #Ajdin - I'm glad too! I didn't know it was leaning that badly until I saw the photo!
