Friday, October 30, 2020

Sandy's Halloween Pumpkin

 Hullo... tomorrow is Halloween and I thought I would carve a pumpkin... for Jerry & Ben's Halloween Contest of course!

Step 1 - get pumpkin and lay tarp on floor...

Step 2 - gather pumpkin dissection tools...

We used to have a pumpkin carving kit with very fine blades/saws but... they broke a few years ago... so we using a selection of knives today.

Step 3 - Decapitate the pumpkin...

Step 4 - Disembowel the pumpkin...

Ummm... I think I'll let my assistant Igor take care of the disemboweling... it's a messy job.

There we are... we are going to save some the seeds for planting next year... you never know... they might be viable seeds.

Yup, it is disemboweled...

Now... a blade... I need a blade...

Step 5 - Begin to carve the pumpkin face... first... an eye...

We are free-pawing the carving this year...

And... decided that it needed a third eye... cause it's a Triclops Pumpkin!

Step 6 - find a tealight and...

It's alive!!!! 

Ahhhh... it's really alive.... let me go!!!

Run... quick... ruunnnnnnnn!!!!


  1. Aaaaaaaagh! Wow, that thing is super scary. Nicely done!

    1. Yikes! Good thing you were wearing footwear...

    2. I know... and tough boots too. Those pumpkin fangs are sharp!
