Saturday, July 18, 2020

Sandy's Botanical Extravaganza - Part 3

Hullo... continuing this botanical extravaganza tour... I found this beary cute little flower which I thought looked a bit like a bear grass but... it's not...

This flower is Death Camas... ooohhh... not good.

Apparently its bulbs look a lot like the Common Camas bulbs which are edible... but Death Camas bulbs are most definitely not edible!

And here, on these shallow soils are some cute little stonecrop plants...

I don't know them beary well... This one looks like it's making flowers.

This one too... I should maybe look these up. It's always good to know the names of plants when you go for a hike, they are like friends then!

Ah-hah!! A yellow flower on this one! 

Wow... there's even a pretty good view of the ocean from here.

And huge beds of lichen...

Huh... I can hear cars from here... You wouldn't know it but...

The highway is just over here. Wow...

I wonder how many people have no idea this area is up here and so pretty?

Well... that's interesting... I think someone is setting up a disc golf course up here. We found a more things like this...

Oooh... and what's that?

Do you see it... a beary strange flower but...

It's a Coralroot - a type of orchid! we saw one before it bloomed a few blog posts ago...

And... I think we are done this hike! No... wait... let me just show you this... It's a bed of...

Wild strawberries!!

Must make a mental note to check on these every few weeks...

And... there's our abandoned road, so this hike is now...

... officially done!

Oh... wait... do you see it!!! OMG...

Wait for it...

It's a Saskatoon bush!!! I don't see a lot of them around but... here it is...

And there are already a few little berries starting...

Cool... going to have to check on those in a few weeks. And now... for real... this hike is done!

Errr... except when it's not...

The lupine's are starting!!! They are sooo pretty... I like lupine's...

OK... and now... for sure... this hike is done!


  1. Nice hike! Yeah, anything that starts with the word "Death" sounds like it should be avoided...

  2. Are you sure the hike is done??
