Monday, July 6, 2020

Rocks around the Forest

A few days/weeks/months ago, I posted an adventure about flower hunting and the little painted rock I found. Well... there are a few more rocks that we found too... Here's a collage of them...

A lady-bug



Dragonfly we think.


Uh... Pac-Man?


Heart on a heart rock...

Funny face


And then we saw this on one of our neighbourhood walks... cool... I need to bring a rock so I can keep a rock... I'll be right back!

Whew... the rock I want is still there... although some others have gone.

I brought this rock that we found in the forest on the island near Gramma's place...

Can you guess which rock I am going to take?

Do you have this in your area?

And yes... I took the bee rock!

It is better well-done and signed by Roni... nice!


  1. Those are true works of art! This looks like something right up Beanie's alley.

    I couldn't help but notice a Snoopy-themed rock in the "before" pile...but it was gone in the next photo. Guess it was popular :)

  2. Of course you took the bee rock! Any bear in their right mind would take that one :)

  3. Some of the pansy rocks are very realistic. Those were hand painted also?

    1. Yes, all hand-painted - someone is beary talented! There was one big one that was a little cottage with tiny flowers in window boxes... it was amazing...

  4. Take a rock and place around the neighborhood is very popular right now. So is chalk sidewalk art. Parents trying to keep kids entertained during the stay at home orders?

    1. Oh, we have sidewalk chalk art too... the rock thing seems to have slowed down though.
