Friday, July 24, 2020

More mail!!

I got more mail!!! Wow... bonanza! Today, I have two envelopes...

This one is from Hammie and G!

Awww... that's a cute card. G made that herself - it reminds me of our two cats we used to have - Rascal and Spooky... miss those kitties. Their chickens are laying eggs again - yay! Small eggs, but incredibly yummy... I can only imagine.

Thanks Hammie & G - love the card!

And... we have a card from... hmmm...

Judging by the stickers on the back... I would say Droopy Dog & Pack!

It's good to see other sticker aficionados out there!

Hmmm... this end of the envelope is unsealed... I hope nothing is missing... like dog treats or something.

But then... I'm a bear... so why would I get dog treats? Good question!

Oh, but it's a nice dog card!!

Hah! Excavation devices... that's funny!!!

And the collar is a tracking accesory!

With an exterior finish and optical sensors!

And the tail is a mood indicator... I think humans need tails too... with everyone wearing masks it's hard to tell moods anymore!

Droopy and Co are still washing their paws lots... which is good. I am doing the same up here... but there are always the goof-offs that don't want to wear masks or wash paws. Hmph... Oh... and there's a cat sticker too and greetings to Minnie!

I'll pass those along to Minnie! Thanks for the card Droopy!


  1. troop and I are learning how to identify the humans in our lives from their eye areas only. And "He wore a mask" is no longer a helpful identifier to the police, lol.

  2. Mail is so fun isn't it? Especially when it's fun mail and not bills. We are keeping the postal service in business
