Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Mail Call!

I got some mail!!! It's from the US... I wonder who it could be from... the return address says Jerry & Ben but...

They usually have their trademark drawings on the front or back...

And there is nothing

Which makes me think that they are run off their feet supervising their humans. Keep up the good work bears! And thanks for the mail!

They sent three cool postcards...

This one looks the same as their recreation of a famous painting. Except, as one of the other stuffies noted... Jerry & Ben look much happier than this gloomy couple!

This looks like a street scene from Paris!

And this one looks like it is in France too...

I think Ben is getting tired of travel restrictions!

Oh... and you see that black thing... it's a surprise gift for a certain someone...

Yes... we are getting a BDV... a Beary Distinguished Visitor in a few weeks... and the gift is for her.. 

Can you guess who it might be??


  1. We forgot the envelope signature? Ben does a face palm! Clearly, this is poor organization on the part of our human seKretaries, who are entirely to blame! Jerry suggest that some additional ice cream may prove helpful when needing to remember such important things.

    1. Ummm... ice cream for the sekrebearies? So they can stay on top of things? Do we really want to encourage that??
