Thursday, July 9, 2020

Beach Pebbles

Hullo... we are at the beach today! Well... a rocky beach... but still... we are by the ocean.

It's soooo beautiful here.

We haven't been here since October! Goodness... But today we have a beary specific reason for coming...

 See all these cute pebbles... we need some... shhh... this is a back alley beach deal.

 We are scooping some small pebbles....

That looks good...

And seeing how many we can carry... well... how many the humans can carry!

That doesn't look like much but... they are darn heavy!

I think we are good.

Oof... nope... I am not carrying this pack!

And it'll be fund negotiating the log mess.

Oh, and I have a surprise for you... follow me.

Down this path...

And voila!! The Camas flowers are blooming!

They are part of the Garry Oak ecosystem (along with Fawn Lilies and Chocolate Lilies).

They are beary pretty... apparently the bulbs are edible (taste like sweet potato) but they are an endangered species here... so we won't eat any!


  1. Hamas is an endangered species in Canada? I didn't know that...interesting. A back alley deal? Cant wait to see what you get.

    1. Yup, I think because the whole Garry Oak ecosystem is endangered... getting crowded out by humans climate change.

  2. Beautiful flowers! I'm betting the pebbles are for use in the garden...or perhaps landscaping?

    1. You would be right! We needed some for a stone pathway... I will have to post a blog about that - sooo many adventures...

  3. You are beary lucky to get outside on adventures! I have been indoors for too long...
