Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Stuffies and the Virus

Hello, Sandy Bear here, reporting from the West Coast. I hope all my stuffie pals are staying safe out there.

As you can see, I am being safe and wearing a mask. I am just waiting to here if the virus is contagious for stuffies...

And... the word is... No! Virus is not contagious for stuffies! Although we could be carriers... so watch the human-stuffie-human contact. But... this means...

I don't have to wear that horrible mask. Which is good because they are in short supply and should be reserved for health care workers...

Have things gone as crazy where you are? My goodness... the run on toilet paper was ridiculous although it seems to have calmed down now that people realise they can't resell it on Kijiji or Amazon for $$$$. Seriously... humans are soooo strange.

We had bought a big package of toilet paper before the whole TP Craze so... we are good...

Not so well-stocked on hand sanitizer... or flour (that is the latest thing to vanish)... but... wait a minute... How are we doing on honey?????

Let's see... tea, tea, tea... where's the honey?

And... more tea!!! OK... if anyone needs tea... let me know... I'm sure we can spare some.

But where's the honey???

Ah, there it is... nice... I presume there is another stockpile somewhere?

No??? Ummm... Go. Buy. Honey. Now. Seriously... humans are strange...

On another note... we finally sent Grinnell his prize for the Art Deco architecture contest. No... it's not toilet paper. But it is edible. Hope it makes it through the border and all that stuff before it goes stale. No... it's not honey either!

And... now that the humans are all hunkering down up here and practising social distancing and self isolation (no one sick or infected yet)... it's time to get planting! We've already planted some kale and mesclun as well as bush peas. Next up will be parsnips in a few days and then kohlrabi once April hits... Then beets in mid-April... I am trying to make sure the humans are more organized this year.

Seee... mapping it all out. And trying to get them into a crop rotation scheme...

Are you planting anything yet (Little Fox) or is it too early (Jerry & Ben)?


  1. Hey Sandy, hope you are staying safe and healthy throughout this craziness. Good thing we stuffies don't need to practice social distancing--I need a hug every now and then! Your gardening hobby would definitely pay off if the virus keeps you out of the supermarket. Hope everything returns to normal eventually...

    1. Hiya Sandy....the prize arrived yesterday. Keep those paws cleaned....just in case

    2. Thanks Droopy - hope you are staying safe as well! Crazy times for sure.
      LF - Oh good - glad it arrived and so fast too...

  2. More honey for the stockpile! And salmon!
