Saturday, March 21, 2020

Spring Equinox Hike!

Hullo! I am off on another hike today. It's such a nice day and the snow is mostly melted (mostly)... And just in time, because it's Spring!

So beautiful...

See... mostly melted.

We didn't really get a lot of snow this year. There was some in January but I was away in tropical climes!

Spring is in the air... I can feel it.

 Ohhh... I've never noticed this before. This moss is colonizing the bases of these bushes.

It's quite pretty actually.

Although younger bushes aren't colonized yet... Hmmm... I wonder....

This would be a great little botany experiment. How long does it take the moss to colonize these bushes?

See... hardly any moss and...

Crazy shaggy moss!

 Or here... even crazier, shaggier moss! Cool...

This area used to be used by the military... there is still an old road here... but from the trees, you can see that it's been a few years since the military left.

Ooh... what's that? A shell casing?

No... just an old fire hydrant.


My friend Little Fox, the Archaeologist might be interested in this.

Even the bigger trees have little moss skirts... and drapes!

I like the green of this moss. It doesn't come out well on photographs but it is sooo... green.

And... our destination... a nice viewpoint to the west. Going to sit and rest for a bit...


  1. That old fire hydrant was pretty cool. Was it placed there (like garbage) or part of the military road?

    1. I think it was just dumped there like garbage but... you never know. I haven't seen any drain covers out there that would suggest the water mains run that far.. but who knows.

  2. What a beautiful hike! The moss is so pretty
