Thursday, March 12, 2020

Handy Sandy and the Flood of 2020

Err... Hello. Soooo... January was as beary wet month. The wettest month since 1932 or something ridiculous. And... our basement paid the price.

It's a mess...

It was "only" a few inches of water but... that's enough to do a lot of damage. This little bear has been kept beary busy supervising a never-ending stream of human contractors. Remediation guys. Perimeter drain guys, Drywall guys. Flooring guys. Painter guys... Eesh.

Good thing I have had some practice with little projects.

And no... insurance did not cover it. Cause it was due to "seepage/groundwater". Grumble...

And... the perimeter drain around the house is ... a ***nasty word*** mess, to put it mildly. Forty years old and not installed properly it would seem...


Let's go take a look...

First... perimeter drain had no clean-outs or access points. So the plumbers dug holes in various points of the system as they tried to scope the lines and clear roots, collapsed bits and... then couldn't get around the 90 degree turns with their scope thingie.

This is one of those holes... there's a perimeter drain in there somewhere that is clearly not draining...

 See it there... that black corrugated pipe... that was a collapsed bit...

And there was more... what a mess of systems... It's enough to make a little bear tear his fur out!


  1. Oh crud....... that's some major repair works. Hope it's all fixable for you.....

  2. Oh sorry you have to deal with this, Sandy! So good that you are there to supervise the humans, though.

  3. Oh my. My the best beer you can find and lots if chocolate.
