Monday, August 5, 2019

And yet More Mail!

Hello again! We got some more mail... this time both postcards are from Sandy!! These actually came ***ahem*** a few weeks back... we've been a bit back-logged here. Much going on with visiting nieces and nephews...

Sandy was in Oregon visiting Little Fox... looks like he had a great time. Wonder if he is bringing some vacuum packed salmon home with him!

And then... he went to Minnesota to visit Jerry & Ben!!

Looks like he had a great time there as well. I'll be glad when he's home though... this is hard work maintaining this blog and answering fan mail!!

I need a vacation I think!


  1. Definitely. A vacation should be in your future

    1. No kidding... This bear crew is beary tired! When is Sandy coming home??

  2. Make sure you get Sandy to bring you next time!

  3. Sandy has had a whirlwind vacation. How long has he been on the road now?

    1. Uh... since late April I think?? Maybe we should rent out his room!
