Saturday, August 24, 2019

Adventures in Paris

Good morning... we got up early this morning! I've had breakfast (it was yummy) and the humans are getting their gear together. Have you ever had an orangina? They are soooo good!

And... we're off!!!

 The Eifel Tower looks nice in the early dawn...

I wonder where we're going today...

Oooh... we're going on a train!

 I got a seat all to myself...

And here we are!! Do you know where it is? It sure looks fancy!

It's Versailles... big palace here... like big.

With lots of paintings and hallways and LOTS of walking!

You can call me Prince Alexandre s'il vous plait!

I definitely have the right outfit for this trip.

But all this walking is making my feet hurt...

And I think it might be time for snacks... like some croissants or crepes or any other pastry!


  1. peut-être qu'un croissant au chocolat serait une collation appropriée pour un petit ours?

    1. A very appropriate collation pour un petit bear!! Anything with chocolat is a good snack. I didn't know you parlez francais!

  2. Ah yes, my human has been to Versailles before. Did you see the Hall of Mirrors? Looks like you're having a great time!

  3. So much art to enjoy! That's one thing the humans did right

  4. Orangina (our favorite) and Versailles! Papa has been there many times. So beautiful.
