Saturday, March 16, 2019

Winter has a Grip in the Woods

Sooo... a few days ago... the same day that I gave the garden tour... I went for a hike in the woods... and... well... winter still has a grip up there!

Maybe I should be wearing my winter gear? But it's so nice and warm out!

Oh... it's not too bad... the trail looks nice and clear.

Hmmm... or not... there is quite a bit.


You know... we had over 80 cm of snow in February which is crazy for us! That's... umm... almost 2.5 feet I think!

Luckily the snow is pretty crispy so I can scamper around on top of it.

Even some of the forest pools are still frozen over... several inches frozen over...

But... there is meltwater too so spring is coming! It's been a reallllyyyy lonnnnggg winter!

We had a bad windstorm in December and it looks like it knocked a bunch of trees down up here.

Oh look... green leaf buds!!

This little lake is almost totally ice free... nice.

I'm just going to sit here for a bit and soak up the sun.

I haven't been out for a hike in weeks!! It's so nice to get out and enjoy the weather... and the snow.

The big lake still has some ice on it too... although most of it is ice free. It's supposed to get warmer over the next few weeks... keeping fingers crossed because the weather people have been saying that for a while now!


  1. Some great photos! The snow is finally melting here; Jerry says he can feel spring in his bones, so it must be right around the corner.

    1. Spring is coming... I think it moves from West to East as most good things do... Ooops... did I say that out loud?

  2. Glad to hear the snow is melting. Snow is ling gone down here.

  3. Looks like your boots held up well this year. I may need to ask my mom for some boots...
