Friday, March 29, 2019

Sad News...

Hullo... I seem to be the bearer of much sad news of late. Rose's cat, Sassy (short of Sasquatch) passed away a few days ago. It looks like a coyote got him (not pretty). He was such a handsome boy and Rose and her family are beary sad.

A couple of years ago, I had taken Little Fox and Jelly Beanie to meet Sassy (enroute to England). We think Sassy may have just thought the coyote was another potential canine friend. RIP Sassy boy.


  1. Jelly Beanie says he remembers Sassy being super friendly and cuddly and is very sorry to hear this news. :(

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Droopy... we think it was cause he was so friendly with canines... most of whom are beary well-mannered... except urban coyotes!

  3. Oh no. I'm so sorry to hear about Sassy.
