Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Chefs Sandy and Little Fox join forces

Hello... today we are going to be doing a little cooking... a dessert apparently. We have whipping cream and cocoa powder and...

Hmmm... avocados... Are you curious yet? Stay tuned!

Let's get started then... first we need to beat the whipping cream...

That looks good! Good thing there are two beaters... we each get to lick one!

Now we handle the avocados...

Oh... and we're going to use some apple sauce too...

Hmmm... loss of balance... never a good thing...

It's OK... I just saw... well... you'll find out what I saw! Be still my beating bear heart!

Now we get out the food processor...

And blend up the avocados... are we making guacamole? Noooo....

 Now we add some cocoa powder (maybe it's a mole sauce?)

 And (here we go)... several dollops of creamed honey!!!!! Yes!!!

And I got to lick the spoon!

Then there were some dollops of apple sauce...

 Now... we whip all of that up... mmm....

 Looking good!!!

 Then, in a large bowl, you mix up the avocado/guacamole/cocoa mix with the whipped cream...

Phew this is hard work... I'll take a spell at it too...

I think we're there!

 Voila... cocoa mousse with no sugar!! (There were a few drops of Stevia in the whipping cream)... sooooo good! Four paws up from the two chefs!

But... ummm... there is a problem... as my canine friends will likely recognize... Canines can't eat chocolate!! Not even cocoa powder... it's the theobromine, you know.

 Houston... we have a problem!!! Luckily... we had a back-up dessert for the visiting canine.

Home-made apple sauce from last fall! Eh? Not bad actually... and much more in line with a canine digestive system. Whew!


  1. Avocados and chocolate whipped cream? Never tried that combo before...

    1. (...and I suppose I never will, since I can't have chocolate...)

    2. It seems an odd combo but... surprisingly... it works!

  2. Baxter here: Thanks for accommodating Little Fox's dietary restrictions. My humans are beary intrigued about that recipe and created a shopping list for me to get so I can make it for them. I know I am just a stand in, but it seems like LF's humans might be takign advantage of my naivety.

  3. Highly recommend it!! As for taking on tasks for the humans... that's debatable!

  4. I'd rather just have the chocolate.......

  5. This is a BEARY interesting recipe...!

  6. Wait, Little Fox is visiting? That's beary nice! Now, when do we get to taste test...?

  7. Jerry says you'd make great guest on Jerry's Corner!
