Sunday, March 10, 2019

Chef Sandy's Roasted Garlic

Bonjour... eeet ees I, Chef Sandeeee... [blink]... Oh, heck... it's me Sandy!!

We had a lot of garlic last year and haven't used it all... and it's starting to sprout soo... it's time to make some roasted garlic!

First we cut off the top bit of the garlic bulb and then peel off all the excess skin...

Our garlic is "hard neck" garlic... can you tell why? I eventually took a garden clipper to trim those down!

Sometime a chef needs to use strange utensils... whatever works!

There we go... now it's time to pour some olive oil over each of the cut ends...

Mmmm... looks good... Then it's off to the 400F oven for about 45 minutes (under aluminium foil)...

While they're roasting... I was tasked with frying up some sausage and bacon... but not just any sausage... feta spinach chicken sausage!!!

Ooops... sorry Little Fox (chicken fiend) and Droopy (bacon fiend)... forgot the drool alert! oopies....

Ummm... so back to the garlic... after it came out of the oven, we jimmied the garlic cloves out of their skins...

Don't they look scrumptious?? Now we put them on a cookie sheet and individually freeze them in the freezer and then into a ziploc in the freezer for later use...

Mmmm... do you cook with garlic??


  1. Yum. Garlic goes in almost everything.

    1. Very true, I think we even put garlic into our plum chutney!

  2. Do you have a chef hat, Sandy? Your French is pretty good, better than mine...
