Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Some Mouse Mail!

 We got some mail!!!

And yes, we are sitting in our usual chair but we have to work around someone who is burrowed...

Under the blanket!

Minnie is under there!

Right then, anyhow... we got mail!

It's a bunch more of the London Bus Zines that Beanie Mouse is making!

They show you all the cool spots along the different bus routes...

We think they're pretty cool and next time we go to London, we'll have scads of fun figuring out the different bus lines...

"Hmmm... Museum of Brands... that sounds interesting..."

"Do you think it's like branding irons? You know... from cattle... like the Lazy R and Two Bar C?

That would be cool if they had that in London.

We'll have to add that to our list of places to go next time we're there...


  1. See? You can learn stuff by riding the buses!!!

    1. Yes you can! Like where all the cool art deco buildings are....

  2. Baxter here: London would be awesome as does the museum of brands.
