Sunday, November 12, 2023

A Little Bear Finishes the Virtual Camino

 Hullo!! It is Fall here and we are having fun taking photos in the leaves!

Soooo many leaves!!! Oh, and it was my bearthday on Thursday...

LF really does blend into the leaves... Anyhow... over the last 9 and a half months, I've been doing a virtual Camino! Yep... with the Conqueror Challenges folks and... on my bearthday... I crossed the finished line!

It's been fun... crawling along the virtual Camino.

Although... we did take forever to get here! But it did incentivize Mama to take me on more hikes!

But... I got there!

Virtually... of course... but I know that if Mama ever does it... I will be coming along! I don't weigh a lot and I am a good conversation starter!

Oh... and we get a medal for this!! I don't think they give a medal for the real Camino...

Mama asked which challenge we should do next... I was torn between the Jurassic Coast and Hadrian's Wall and... given it's my bearthday... and I get to choose... I chose Hadrian's Wall!

Little Fox is wondering if he should bring this to his people... hmmm...


  1. Happy belated BEARTHDAY!

    I also thought about doing one of the conqueror challenges. Please show us the medal when you get it! :)

    1. Medal post is coming up in the next week. It's pretty cool!

  2. Baxter here: My roommates said they had no idea this even existed, it's right up there alley (of course the Real Camino would be even better). PS - LF would go with you, he travels light and cheap.
    They signed up for a free one today (typical humans) via World Walks out of Scotland and did a couple of miles on the French Riveria vs. the Keele Sustainability Challenge which is about 58,000 miles.

    1. Yes, Little Fox is also surprised that he has not been made aware of this before (baleful stare). It's pretty neat.
