Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Pumpkin Cannons and Bonfires!

 Are you ready??? Hurry up!!!!

Honestly... some people are soooo slow!!!

Particularly this one....

Yes, it's Rooooosssseeee!!!!

She visited the first weekend of November and we took our old pumpkins for an adventure!

And it seems everybody and their dog was here too... We had to park sooooo far away... and the trail was beary wet...

Rose was wearing her new fancy jeans... she should know better to wear good clothes on an adventure with us! She didn't want to get the hems dirty...

So she pulled them up... fetching fashion!

Now this would have been a better idea...

Soooo many cool pumpkins!

We are here for the pumpkin smashing... and something even better... just wait...

Rose did a beary good job of smashing our pumpkins...

Ours were too big for the next event...

Yes... we are here for the annual Pumpkin Cannon competition!!!!

There are two pumpkin cannons!! They use compressed air... and shoot small pumpkins (like pie pumpkin size).

It takes a bit to load a pumpkin into the cannon... first they put in straw, and tamp it down... and then the put in the pumpkin...

Seeeee... long pole tamping down pumpkin... it takes several minutes...

And then... finally... BOOM!!! And straw goes flying everywhere... and if it was a carved pumpkin, it just disintegrates and you feel a fine mist on your face... hmmm....

Here's us when the cannon goes off... that's at the 45-55 second mark... we jumped!!! (Pumpkin Cannon - YouTube)

And us trying to track a flying pumpkin...

Finally... we saw this! This evening they are having a Guy Fawkes bonfire! Don't worry... that's one of the local fire departments in the background. They are the ones sponsoring the bonfire... I'm sure they'll be ready to put it out if it gets too bonfire-y....

It's a HUGE pile of pallets.

We thought we might come but parking is going to be even worse than this afternoon...

Oh, and they are doing fireworks too!!!

sooo... we didn't go... but we heard the fireworks at 9:30 pm (too late for these stuffies)... and the bonfire was apparently spectacular!!!


  1. Baxter here: That fire looks amazing and a ton of fun, I'm with you in that Rose should have known better than to wear nice jeans while adventuring with Sandy.

    1. Yep... and why are my YT videos not showing. Sigh... going to have to fix that!

  2. Wow that is a massive bonfire.. don't get too close
