Wednesday, September 6, 2023

A Visit to Vancouver

Pssssssttt!!! Are we there yet???

Apparently not. Still on the bus!! Where are we going??? Wait and see!

And... we're here!!! Can you tell??? We are visiting Rose's family!!! And this is Luna!! She is going to sleep with us tonight! She is beary well behaved. We got in super late and are pooped!

An early morning at Starbucks the next day and we are ready for the day!

Soo.... the big news in Rose's house is that they got a new puppoh!!! A dog named Lexy! She is a labradoodle... and was beary friendly with me... licking me and ...

Ouch!!! She just tried to grab my ear!!!! Maybe not so friendly!! She is only 3 months old so still a baby!

And outside we have Olaf or Oluf... or Fluff. He is a neighbour's cat, but they live in an apartment, so he hangs out in Rose's backyard. He is a very large Maine Coon cat...

And very handsome... but don't pick him up...

Seee... very large!!!

Ummm... apparently he doesn't like stuffies in his face either!

He does "Regal Frowny Face" beary well...

And then... under the deck...

Is this big guy! He is a local stray who seems to have made this place his home. He has been nicknamed "Grayson" and Rose's family are going to call the local cat rescue society to come and pick him up. He is an unfixed male sooooo... don't need the neighbourhood overrun with kittens!

Right then! That is the menagerie at Rose's place. Phoenix (their ginger cat) is around somewhere too but is beary shy... Now... let's get to work!


  1. Work is for humans not for bears. Rose's family should open a zoo

    1. Yes, they should, shouldn't they? They often have racoon families (with babies) wandering through their yard and drinking from the fountain. They've even had a skunk mama and a gaggle of babies toddle through. Oh wait... they are not a "gaggle" (that's geese). Apparently a group of skunks is a "surfeit, a stench, and an array". A stench of skunks... sounds beary appropriate!

  2. Is Luna a tortoiseshell cat?

    Keep your head on a swivel, Sandy, if you don't want to be chewed up!

    1. Luna is indeed a tortie! And yes... I need some eyes in the back of my head! Or I won't have a head!!!
