Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A Visit to Gramma!

 Well, mice or no mice, we are enroute to visit Gramma! Sorry Cocoa and Navy... hope you are enjoying the Okanagan!

Our flight is on time but turned out to be packed like sardines!!!

But we made it!!! Gramma was beary happy to see us!! Especially me, because I am her favourite grand-bear!!

Does Gramma have salmon for her favourite grand-bear??? Nope... watermelon!

I do hope there is some salmon in the forecast though!

We went for a little hike while Gramma napped. This garden has corn!!!

I like corn!!

Let's see what we can find along here.

Hmm... very marshy here!

Found a painted rock!

Beary nice!

Beary pretty here.

And I hadn't been here more than 10 seconds and the ducks were there!

But I had nothing sooo... they quickly took off! Hmph... fickle creatures.

But this is obviously a place where people feed the ducks. This note tells people not to feed them bread or crackers cause it's not good for them!!!

Whew... what a long day!! As Beanie would say... exhaustipated!!


  1. Cool trip. Any word on the salmon situation

    1. Oh... just you wait... Gramma will come through with the salmon... she always does.
