Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Supply of Salmon!

 Hullo! You know, of course, that little bears LOVE salmon! Even big bears LOVE salmon. And this little bear is no exception! But not being a fisher bear... finding a good supply of salmon is an issue.

But... can I show you something?? Don't tell anyone, 'kay?

We have salmon!!!!! Sockeye Salmon!!! And yes... I did just wonder why they are called Sockeye and it's a poor translation of the Coast Salish word for this fish - suk-kegh - which means red fish.

Where did this salmon come from you ask? Shhh... a little bear never reals their supply source. Suffice to say it was a back alley deal (actually a back of vehicle deal)... shhhh....

Salmon... soooo much salmon!

But as you can see... the salmon, while being gutted, still has head and tail on sooo... we need to process it.

And given how messy this can be, I am going to supervise from a respectable distance.

Like... up here!

Sorry little salmon... but a bear's gotta eat.

Right then... how are we making out? Pretty good. Mama had to get the knife sharpener out at one point and that made a BIG difference!

But it does make a huge mess! 

And what are we going to do with the salmon heads and tails?

Bag them up of course and freeze them. They will make a great base for Sandy's Salmon Chowder.

Yum!! This little bear is well-stocked for winter salmon! How's your salmon supply?


  1. Replies
    1. Tango should be! That is a winter's worth of salmon for a little bear and his friends.

  2. Back alley salmon deals? Lucky bear.
    Ps you're human has some impressive knife skills. Ps. Feel free to send some chowder down this away

    1. It's beary good chowder! And yes... we do tend to find some good back alley deals... shhhhh

  3. Who's your salmon dealer? Care to share info?

    1. This one is named E. She has contacts in Port Alberni who come out this way to sell their catch... we had to be ready to drop everything and go!
