Thursday, September 22, 2022

Rodent Mail!!

 Hullo!!! I received some mail the other week! Yes, I know... but it's been a beary busy week...

First up is a postcard....

"Did I hear "mail"!?? Is there any mail for me yet?"

Well, I don't know Navy... we hadn't yet blogged about your arrival/discovery when we received this but... let's see... This card looks like it's from the coast of France!!

"That's a nice ocean, that is... makes me a tad homesick for the open seas!"

Oh look, it's from Hammie Hamster & Gea!!! They finally got back to Brittany (Bretagne) after 3 years!!! Covid you know... Why don't you introduce yourself!

"Hi Hammie!!!! Nice to meet another pint-sized rodent!"

Hi Hammie!!! Thanks for the postcard!!!!

And then... we have another envelope with cat stamps!!! We know who that's from!! Beanie Mouse & Co!

"Yo, Mice Cuz?? What's with the cat stamps????!!!"

P.S. Navy's comments are being edited as this is a family-friendly blog. That mouse can cuss the hind leg off a rat!!!

Anyhow... looks like a chocolate wrapper on a card! 

"That must be a Beanie Mouse creation - he always was a creative little guy!"

Let's seee... this was obviously sent before Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth passed away.

Oooh... yes... again... a clue on the Bingo Prizes!!! 

Thanks Cocoa!!! I know how hectic it can be when you pack for a snap trip! 

And they are beary happy to have a new clown Prime Bozo Minister in Downing Street.

Me thinks the Beanie crew were not big fans of bleached-blonde-fly-away-tossle-hair-guy.

"Well... I mean... seriously... what is it with weird politicians and their hair??? Let's tick them off on our claws... Trump (what can we say... comb-over)... Johnson (tossle-hair is for 10-year olds)... Putin (bald comb-over)... and the former N.Korea guy (forehead cowlick). Ick!!!

Oh... look!!! It's signed "Love, Cocoa Beanie (and other mice too!)... Awww...

"I think Sandy might finally be out of the dog house... or the mouse hole... or whatever!)

Well... gosh... that's a lovely sentiment although... Cocoa's last line is that "Maybe I need to come back and supervise your cheese intake...!"

Err... well... as you may have deduced... we have a mouse!!

Oh... and htere's a postcard from Highgate Cemetery!!! The West Cemetery (we only went to the East Cemetery last time)...

And... oh... I was expecting another Beanie Moriarty clue on the back!!!

But there is nothing!!! Ah well... Oh, Navy wants to say something...

"Ahoy thar maties!!! Avast thar ye land-lubberly mice!!! &*$... wait... what? I have to talk nice? Sigh.... Cocoa where the f*... not even that??? sigh.... Cocoa!!! Where the cheese are you????? Are you coming home soon or what????