Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Sewing with Gramma

 Soo... while we were at Gramma's, we embarked on a top secret project (well... not so secret anymore...). A sewing project! When Gramma was younger (much younger), she used to sew clothes for her teddy bear... and then she apprenticed with one of the most famous tailors in Berlin... so she knows her sewing stuff!

First... we need to make a pattern...

We used a sweatshirt and housecoat of mine as the starting point for the pattern...

But then you need to add bits for the seams... it's all beary complicated.


Watch the ears!

Right then... we are happy with the pattern... now we have to cut fabric...

Two types of fabric actually...

Gramma is super focused...

Yay!! We have all the fabric cut out... Gramma is muttering to herself about the hood part...

But, I think they look brilliant... pokey but brilliant. Now... we need to sew both sets together...

There we go!!

Now the super tricky part... you turn both sides inside out and sew them together, leaving a gap in the bottom, so you can turn the whole thing right side out again...

I'm going to be beary beary quiet.

And just wait patiently (not!)

There we go... it's almost ready to go...

Now it's getting turned right side out... 

Ta-dah!!!! It still needs the seams poked out properly... and the sleeves need to be hemmed.... but... oh wait...

We also need to sew the edges all around... which means pokey needles again!

And that all gets sewed...

And now it's done!!!

Can you tell what it is???

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